Essay Assignment Answers


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Soci 1301 Intro to Sociology, Fall 2020  Crime, Stratification/Poverty,  Global Stratification , Race/Ethnicity,

Second Exam (Open Book Exam)
Answer only 20 questions you feel you can adequately answer. You must answer a minimum three answers from each chapter. Each correct answer is worth 5 pts. Submit all your answers in a singly document and upload this on Blackboard Exam 2 folder when you finish.
Chapter on Crime

  1. In your own words, define the difference between (social/cultural) deviance and crime (at local, state, or federal levels) (Two sentences). Provide an example of each (Two or more sentences)


  1. Discuss one specific function of crime according to Emile Durkheim. Provide a brief example (two to three sentences).


  1. Discuss any two of the five modes of adaptation from Robert K. Mertons Strain Theory and give your own unique example (a paragraph or more)


  1. Provide one fruitful example of a conflict perspective being applied by a sociologist towards explaining crime (three to four sentences).


  1. Provide one example of labelling theory being applied by a sociologist towards explaining crime (three to four sentences)


  1. Briefly mention any three of the seven reasons why the police are often disliked, according to Sociologist Randall Collins(three sentences)


  1. Go to this website

Pick any statistic related to crime or punishment and tell me in a paragraph or more what it is saying
Chapter on Stratification/Poverty

  1. Briefly, in your own words, describe what sociologists mean by term stratification and/or social class (3 or more sentences). Feel free to map or draw this out.
  2. Using the American Class Structure hand-out on Canvas, briefly distinguish between any 3 social classes listed. Discuss income range, occupation type, likely education level differences, leisure activities etc. (3 Paragraphs)
  3. Explain what Marx meant by the systemic problem of a “reserve army of labor” in capitalism. Provide an example of this in present day capitalism.
  4. Explain what Max Weber meant by class, status, power distinctions. Use your own example for each of the three distinctions.
  5. Explain what Veblen meant by Leisure Class (4 or more sentences)
  6. Give one example of a meritocratic explanation (bootstrap ideology) used by some to blame people for being poor. (Several sentences)
  7. Discuss the Davis and Moore thesis and how it explains inequality (Several sentences)
  8. In your own words discuss the main argument of the “culture of poverty” thesis from Oscar E. Lewis. (4 or more sentences or examples)
  9. In your own words discuss what William Ryan meant by “Blaming the Victims” (4 or more sentences)
  10. Discuss the difference between absolute and relative poverty (Several Sentences).


  1. Briefly mention any three functions of poverty Herbert J. Gans mentioned in his article “The Uses of Poverty” . (three sentences)

 Chapter on Global Stratification

  1. Discuss either the “champagne glass” or “The Price of a pair of Nike Shoes” graph in the global stratification slide and how it attempts to explain inequality in the world system. (Several paragraphs)


  1. Go to the following website

List any high income country and its current GDP per capita (US $)

  1. Go to the following website

List any Upper-Middle income country and its current GDP per capita (US $)

  1. Go to the following website

List any Lower-Middle income country and its current GDP per capita (US $)

  1. In your own words briefly discuss how modernization theories attempt to explain global poverty in poor countries (Paragraph or more)
  2. In your own words briefly discuss how dependency theories like world-system theory attempts to explain global poverty in poor countries (Paragraph or more)
  3. Briefly mention any three functions of global poverty Daina Stukiuls Eglitis mentioned in her article “The Uses of Global Poverty: How Economic Inequality Benefits the West” . (three sentences)

Chapter on Race/Ethnicity/

  1. In your own words, describe and explain what is meant by “scientific racism” and or briefly discuss a theorist or thinker and their works which is illustrative of “scientific racism” (three to four sentences)
  2. Nowadays, sociologists view race as a _____   _______ (Two words)
  3. In your own words define what is racism (Several sentences)
  4. In your own words define what is prejudice (Several sentences)
  5. In your own words define what institutional discrimination is and give three examples (Several sentences)
  6. Go to the following Statistics website

Next, look up your own zip code and download the Household income graph and paste it into the Word file. In several sentences, highlighting the differences of household incomes via Race/Ethnicity. How do you think Sociologists would explain these differences of Household incomes between different Racial/Ethnic groups in the United States?

  1. Discuss what Elijah Anderson means by “The White Space (a paragraph)
  2. Provide an example of dejure segregation in history. (One to two sentences) or provide an example of overt racism.
  3. Provide an example of defacto segregation nowadays (One to two sentences or provide an example of covert racism.
  4. Provide and example of overt racism from the Overt/Covert Racism Pyramid on Blackboard in the Race Powerpoint (One to two sentences)
  5. Provide and example of covert racism from the Overt/Covert Racism Pyramid on Blackboard (One to two sentences)
  6. Go to any of these websites (, ( and pick a hate group or hate symbol used by members of hate groups and apply scapegoat theory and defend why you think this theory fits with the hate group or hate symbol .(Paragraph or more).
  7. Go to any of these websites (, ( and pick a hate group or hate symbols used by members of hate groups and apply social distance theory(bogardus) and defend why you think this theory fits with the hate group or hate symbol .(Paragraph or more).
  8. Go to any of these websites (, ( and pick a hate group or hate symbols used by members of hate groups and apply social learning theory and defend why you think this theory fits with the hate group or hate symbol .(Paragraph or more).
  9. Go to any of these websites (, ( and pick a hate group or hate symbols used by members of hate groups and apply authoritarian personality theory and defend why you think this theory fits with the hate group or hate symbol .(Paragraph or more).
  10. Go to any of these websites (, ( and pick a hate group or hate symbols used by members of hate groups and apply split-labor theory (bonacich) and defend why you think this theory fits with the hate group or hate symbol .(Paragraph or more).


  1. Go to any of these websites (, ( and pick a hate group or hate symbols used by members of hate groups and apply racial threat theory and defend why you think this theory fits with the hate group or hate symbol .(Paragraph or more).
  2. Go to any of these websites (, ( and pick a hate group or hate symbols used by members of hate groups and apply critical race theory and defend why you think this theory fits with the hate group or hate symbol .(Paragraph or more).
  3. Give an example of a hate crime that occurred in the U.S. no more than 3 years ago and apply a sociological analysis. (One to three sentences explaining why it is a hate crime)


  1. Formulate and answer a sociological question of your choice. (One to three sentences).