Essay Assignment Answers

ome Information Systems homework help. Subject: Enterprise Risk Management

Question 1: Write a 10-page essay (APA format & latest scholarly journal article references 2016 on words)

For details, please refer the ‘ERM_paper.docx’ (refer attached)

Subject: Negotiation and Conflict Management

Question 2: 500+ word Essay (minimum 2 latest journal references(use only last 3 years journal article references) & All citations should be in APA format.

Your state has a forthcoming referendum (a vote to adopt and enact a new law) concerning the mandatory wearing of facemasks in public. Do you agree with this referendum Yes or No?  You should give specific reasons for why you agree or disagree with the referendum. What can be done to negotiate with the opposing side? Be creative.

Question3: Write a 3-page Journal Article Review of a scholarly peer-reviewed journal article that describes Negotiation Strategy and how it should be used effectively in negotiations.

DEFINITION: a brief definition of concessions followed by the APA reference for the term CONCESSIONS; this

does not count in the word requirement.

SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200-word

range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any

weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term. Name the title of

the article and the author(s).

ANALYSIS: Using 300-350 words, write a brief analysis, in your own words of how the article

relates to the selected Key Term. Provide your personal critique of the article and the author(s).

See the tips posted in Moodle as a guide. A Journal Article Review analysis is not rehashing

what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your

experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.


Question 4: Write a 400+ word essay (APA format & 2 latest scholarly journal article references 2016 on words)

What is the weakest link in the security of an IT infrastructure?  What are some of the strategies for reducing the risks?


Question 5: Write a 2 page essay (APA format & 2 latest scholarly journal article references 2016 on words)

Review the required reading material and summarize one of the scholarly articles listed on the selected websites.

In 2-3 paragraphs, and using your own words, explain why ethical hacking is necessary in today’s complex business environment.

Required Readings:

* The Benefits of Learning Ethical Hacking (Posted in Penetration Testing on August 29, 2018):

* When Ethical Hacking Can’t Compete:

Subject: Physical Security

Question 6: Write a 400+ word essay (APA format & 2 latest scholarly journal article references 2016 on words)

Explain the three different types of factors for multi-factor authentication.

Subject: Analyzing and Visualizing Data

Question 7: Write a 400+ word essay (APA format & 2 latest scholarly journal article references 2016 on words)

Kirk (2016) states that the topic of color can be a minefield.  The judgement involved with selecting the right amount of color for a particular application can be daunting. With regards to visualizations, there are different levers that can be adjusted to create the desired effects (Kirk, 2016). The levers are associated with the HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) color cylinder.

Select and elaborate on one of the following:

* Color Hue Spectrum

* Color Saturation Spectrum

* Color Lightness Spectrum

Subject: Information Governance  

Question 8: Write a 400+ word essay (APA format & latest scholarly journal article references 2016 on words)

Information Governance for E-Mail: We learned that e-mail is a major area of focus for information governance (IG) efforts, and has become the most common business software application and the backbone of business communications today.  In addition, the authors provided details to support their position by providing 2013 survey results from 2,400 corporate e-mail users from a global perspective.  The results indicated that two-thirds of the respondents stated that e-mail was their favorite form of business communication which surpassed not only social media but also telephone and in-person contact.

With this detail in mind, briefly state why the e-Mail has become a critical component for IG implementation? Support with references

Subject: Security Architecture & Design (need 2 copies of answers and make sure to not use common references)

Question 9: Write a 600+ word essay (APA format & 2 latest scholarly journal article references 2016 on words)

Briefly respond to all the following questions in the essay. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples.

This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.

1. When should the architect begin the analysis?

2. What are the activities the architect must execute?

3. What is the set of knowledge domains applied to the analysis?

4. What are the tips and tricks that make security architecture risk assessment easier?

Question 10: need 2 copies of answers and make sure to not use common references

Write a 400+ word essay (APA format & 2 latest scholarly journal article references 2016 on words) 

Write a 400+ word essay to answer the below questions:

1. What does an assessor need to understand before she or he can perform an assessment?

2. How active is each t

ome Information Systems homework help