Essay Assignment Answers

Working individually, students are required to research and analyze a company or brand’s use of social media.
In 5-7 double-spaced pages (12 point times new roman font, 1 inch margins including references) students will craft a polished report that demonstrates their ability to understand a business’ use of social media for the following purposes:

  • Raise awareness
  • Influence desire
  • Encourage trial
  • Facilitate purchase
  • Create loyalty

Select one of the assigned one of the following companies or brands: Jet Blue, Samuel Adams, Sephora Tiffany’s, Target; Carl’s Junior, McDonalds, Prada, American Express, Absolut, Dove, Jell-O, Southwest Airlines, Chipotle, Whole Foods, Audi, The NFL, Lakers, Dodgers, Fiat, Domino’s Pizza, Urban Outfitters, Red 17 Bull, Jawbone, Disney, Coca-Cola, Skittles, Converse, LegalZoom, Burberry, MAC Cosmetics, Dunkin Donuts, Ikea, Chobani, Starbucks. Barnes & Noble, Budweiser, Nike, Wendy’s, Oreo, Old Spice, Michael Kors, Skype.
Students must analyze the use of the following social media tools:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • YouTube

The best reports will be factual and analytical. There is no room for personal feelings or emotional response. Think of this report as the type of report created by a social media consultancy firm before a first meeting with a client. The goal is to assess where the client is in terms of their social media use while providing a sense of what the firm would/could do for them if they were to hire it.
The report should include the following sections (TIP: Follow the sections below as an outline and write your report with the specific sections!)

  1. Introduction: Introduce the company and what it is that they do and why social media is important to their business; HINT: Look at the industry they operate within as well as norms/standards for social media use in that industry (1/2-1 page)
  2. Overall summary of social media use: Briefly summarize the company’s history with social media and current use of social media along with the overall strategic focus from one or several of the above purposes: Can you identify who manages social media for the business (marketing department, outside social media advertising firm etc.)?  Are they using the different tools like Twitter, Instagram Pinterest etc. in ways that are unique or duplicative (of other companies or competitors or even of other platforms—in other words are they saying the same uninspired things over and over again across platform or are they unique voce that adapts to the platform/medium?
  3. How are they leverage each tool for best effect/impression? (1/2-1 page)
  4. Use of each listed tool (6): List how each tool is used; provide examples; infer the primary purpose from those listed above (1/2-3/4 page each tool; 3 pages total)
  5. Assessment and recommendations: Assess overall social media use. Make at least three recommendations based upon your assessment and research; HINT: Consider a Social Media SWOT analysis that looks at strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with the firm’s use of social media which might points towards recommendations. (2 pages)
  6. References: Demonstrate that you used appropriate materials. I cannot imagine producing a report of this kind without citing at least 5-7 short trade publication or magazine articles/websites about social media marketing generally as well as the brand itself. (1/2 page)