its activities, operations and leadership. We discuss two more important IT-related topics: “The Business of Information Technology” (chapter 8) and “Governance of the Information Systems Organization” (chapter 9).  Chapter 8 previews the business of information technology (IT) and the customers it serves. A maturity model is presented to understand the balancing act between the supply and business demand for information systems. You are assigned to read both chapters 8 and 9 of our textbook and also an article: “Outsourcing IT is a money-saving cyber safety net for company data”
This week we continue examining the IT organization from the perspective of how decisions are made. In chapter 9, four general perspectives of IT governance (decision rights, accountability and allocation of decision rights to executives, platform-based governance, and control structures as a response to legislation) are described.

  • Read article – “Outsourcing IT is a money-saving cyber safety net for company data”

Summary of participation for Week 9: The Business of Information Technology
Summary of participation for Week 10: Governance of the IT Organization
1. 500 words Discussion
2. 3-4 page research paper and reference page
Due : 03/14/2020