Education homework help. The following 20 questions cover information literacy skills. Please
answer the questions to the best of your ability. Select one answer for
each question.
Which of the following topics would be the most manageable for a 4-minute speech?
Reference Books are:
You have thought of several potential topics for your research project, and now you must
determine which of these topics is most interesting and manageable. A decision would be
easier to make if you could examine some background information on each potential
topic. Which of the following resources would serve as the best source of background
The topic for your Biology class is “North American mammals.” Which of the following
reference books would seem to provide the most relevant information?
a. What historical factors have contributed to childhood obesity in the last 60 years
b. How are schools in all fifty states promoting healthy eating habits and physical fitness in children
c. How can parents influence their children’s healthy eating habits
d. Should the United States government get involved in the fight against obesity? Provide a comprehensive
analysis of the pros and cons of the issue
a. A good source of background information, full of topic ideas, and useful for narrowing broad topics
b. A good source of background information, full of topic ideas, but a poor choice for assistance with narrowing
broad topics
c. A poor choice for background information, topic ideas, and assistance with narrowing broad topics
d. Full of topic ideas, useful for narrowing broad topics, but a poor choice for background information
a. Subject encyclopedias
b. Journals
c. Books
d. Magazines
a. Wild Mammals of North America
b. The World Book Encyclopedia
You are developing your thesis statement and want to check if your idea is original. Your
literature search should include which of the following types of resources in order to see
what has been written about your topic:
For your research project, you need to: Explore the impact of social anxiety on binge
drinking in college students. Select from the list below the key concepts that would be
effective search terms:
Which one of the following statements is TRUE?
A citation from one of the Library’s periodical databases is shown below. Please identify
the part of the citation that represents the name of the journal.
Katz, J. E., Rice, R. E, & Aspden, P. (2001). The Internet, 1995-2000: Access, civic
involvement, and social interaction. American Behavioral Scientist, 45(3), 405-419.
c. Grzimek’s Encyclopedia of Mammals
d. Concise Encyclopedia of Biology
e. A and C
f. B and D
a. Major indexing and abstracting resources for your discipline
b. Database of dissertations and theses
c. Catalogs of major university libraries
d. General academic online resources (such as Google Scholar)
e. All of the above and anything else that comes to mind
a. explore, impact, social anxiety, binge drinking, college students
b. impact, social anxiety, binge drinking, college students
c. explore, social anxiety, college students
d. social anxiety, binge drinking, college students
a. All information is available for free through Internet search engines like Google, Google Scholar, Bing, etc.
b. Some information is available only through fee-based databases like the ones to which the Library
c. Information available through the Library’s databases may be accessed from any location by any person,
including people who are not Kean students, faculty, and staff
d. Information available through the Library’s databases can only be accessed on computers in the Library
a. The Internet, 1995-2000
Your topic is “the psychological effects on consumers of subliminal messages in tobacco
company advertisements.” In order to find scholarly journal articles on this topic, in which
library database(s) would you search?
Which of the following database search strategies would provide the largest number of
Your topic is adult stem cell research and its application to the treatment of cancer. Which
source listed below would appear to be the most appropriate scholarly source for this
Which of the following statements about scholarly journal articles is TRUE?
b. Access, civic involvement, and social interaction
c. American Behavioral Scientist
d. All of the above
a. Business databases
b. Communication databases
c. Medical/Health databases
d. Psychology databases
e. Business, Communication, and Psychology databases
a. math anxiety AND test
b. math anxiety NOT test
c. math anxiety W/8 test
d. math anxiety OR test
e. math anxiety AND (test OR assessment)
a. Baiocchi, M., Biffoni, M., Ricci-Vitiani, L., Pilozzi, E., & De Maria, R. (2010). New models for cancer research:
human cancer stem cell xenografts. Current Opinion In Pharmacology, 10(4), 380-384.
b. McGrady, P. (1964). The savage cell: A report on cancer and cancer research. New York: Basic Books
c. Wade, N. (2002, January 25). Scientists herald a versatile adult cell. New York Times, 151(52009), A14
d. All of the above
a. They are written by experts in an academic discipline and have gone through a peer-review process prior to
b. They are written by journalists who have become well versed on a topic while conducting extensive
interviews and gathering information
Which of the following would support the idea that an author is an authority in his/her field
of study?
Select examples of primary sources from the list below:
Your research has uncovered views that conflict with your own, views that may disturb
you. Which methods would help you decide if you accept or reject the views?
Which statement below best describes a citation style manual:
c. They target a wide public audience
d. They do not have a bibliography or cite the research of other scholars
e. All of the above
a. Number of articles the author has published in peer-reviewed journals
b. Number of daily hits the author’s blog gets
c. Number of times the author’s articles have been cited in peer-reviewed journals
d. Amount of money annually donated to educational foundations in the author’s field of study
e. A and D
f. C and A
a. Statistics available at the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics homepage
b. Scanned images of World War II posters available at a university research center’s Web site
c. A book that provides the transcripts for many of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speeches
d. A scholarly journal article describing the author’s original research methodology and resulting data
e. All of the above
a. Determine if you accept the premise upon which the views rest
b. Check the accuracy of stated facts
c. Discuss the issue with your classmates and professors
d. Determine if the context of the view makes it inapplicable to you
e. Analyze the logic of supporting arguments
f. All of the above
a. Provides background information on various topics
b. Provides guidelines for evaluating a source’s style
You do not need to cite the source of ideas you find during your research if you rephrase
the ideas using different words.
If you were to include the following statement in your research paper or PowerPoint
presentation, would you need to cite it?
Although Edouard de Laboulaye, a French political leader and academic, first envisioned the
Statue of Liberty as a monument to France’s friendship with America dating back to the period of
the American Revolution, the statue itself was designed by the French sculptor Frédéric Auguste
Bartholdi. Work on the statue commenced in the early 1870s, and the statue’s dedication took
place on October 28, 1886.
If you were to include the following statement in your research paper or PowerPoint
presentation, would you need to cite it?
My recent visit to the Statue of Liberty proved to be an emotional experience that elicited
reflection on my own family members’ experience as immigrants in the United States.
From the list below, select the examples of intellectual property that would be protected by
U.S. copyright law.
c. Provides guidelines for acknowledging sources in a consistent manner for a particular academic discipline
d. Describes the process for evaluating a source for accuracy and authority
e. Provides definitions and alternative terminology for various topics
a. True
b. False
a. Statement requires a citation
b. Statement does not require a citation
a. Statement requires a citation
b. Statement does not require a citation
a. Images and photographs
b. Computer applications
c. Videos
d. Songs
e. All of the above

Education homework help