This exercise is to help you think about your own career development and that of your (future) employees.
- Develop a career plan for yourself that includes the following items:
- Goals
- Short-term (within 1 year)
- Mid-term (1 year to 5 years)
- Long-term (beyond 5 years)
- Personal strengths (What am I proud of?)
- Areas for personal growth (How can I be/do better?)
- Specific skills, knowledge, and abilities (What strengths can I build on?)
- Education and training required (What other tools do I need to achieve my goals?)
- How will I know if and when I’ve achieved my ultimate career goal(s)?
- Goals
- What are the major responsibilities of the immediate supervisor in the training and development of her employees?
- Should the supervisor play a role in the long-term career planning of the employee, or is this primarily the employee’s concern? If the supervisor should be involved, how can she do so effectively?