Essay Assignment Answers

  • Review the Atkey, Raine, Storey and Willows (2016) article (located in this week’s Learning Resources) and the advocacy campaign examples: “World Health Day 2019 Campaign Essentials.” and “One International.” Reflect on each campaign’s plan, including elements such as goals, objectives, message, purpose, and media strategies.
  • Research and select a public health advocacy campaign that is different than the provided examples. Consider your selected campaign’s plan, including elements such as goals, objectives, message, purpose, and media strategies.
  • Reflect on the impact of your selected campaign on the development of health policy. Think about how the campaign’s plan contributes to the success of the advocacy campaign.
  • Consider the role of advocates and public health organizations in your selected advocacy campaign.

Post a comprehensive response to the following:

  • Describe your selected advocacy campaign including the campaign’s plan.
  • Explain the potential impact of your selected advocacy campaign on the development of health policy.
  • Include how the campaign plan contributes to the success of the advocacy campaign, as well as an explanation of the role of advocates and public health organizations in your selected advocacy campaign.