Management homework help. English 2367
Major Research Project
Arguing Your Position
Value: 30% of final grade
Length: At least 1,750 polished words
Format: MLA or APA format and appropriate format for the rhetorical situation you choose
Deadlines for Process Work and Drafts:  See the syllabus course schedule
Now that you have analyzed a specific argument—and then explored the various arguments—about your topic, you are now ready to compose your own argumentative text in support of your position on an issue associated with your topic. Your purpose will be to persuade others of your position on the issue.  Now that you have consulted sources and discovered answers to your research question, what is your position on a specific issue associated with your research topic?
Your audience for this assignment does include your classmates and instructor, but more importantly also a more targeted audience of your choice whom you would like to persuade.  You’ll want to pay increased attention to your rhetorical situation in this assignment because while prewriting you will choose your specific purpose, audience, stance, genre, and media/design; these choices will determine how you compose your research project and the effectiveness of the final product.  For example, you may choose to persuade (purpose) teachers (audience) that learning disabilities do not have such a negative effect on literacy acquisition in children (stance) in a professional organization’s newsletter (media/design), which means you’ll use APA format.  Or maybe you want to persuade in an entertaining way (purpose) children and their parents (audience) to read together every night (stance) in a video to children with a preface for parents (media/design), and you choose MLA format for the script.  You will need to determine to whom should you argue your position—who can respond, act on your argument?  How as a writer can you best persuade that audience?
Criteria for Evaluation
As with all major assignments in the course, you will be evaluated using the standard English 2367 Writing Assignments Grading Rubric.  The following are additional major essay requirements specific to this assignment and genre:

  • Present a clear and arguable position—include the thesis (statement of the topic + point of significance—overall claim) toward the end of the introduction.
  • Include necessary background information on the issue topic.
  • Offer good reasons—use various writing and development strategies.
  • Provide convincing evidence using accurate, well-researched information from credible and relevant sources; at least six, but no more than ten, sources are to be used—at least four of these need to be secondary sources found through CSCC library research, but others may be primary (primary sources such as interviews, memoirs, government or organization web sites are optional and not required).  You may include any and all credible and relevant sources from your Critical Analysis.  Encyclopedia entries and web sites found using search engines like Google (.com, .org, .edu, etc.), are acceptable secondary sources for this assignment.
  • Use MLA or APA format, depending on your chosen rhetorical situation.  Cite each source used both in the text with in-text citations and in a bibliography.
  • Show patterns in and relationships among other arguments by synthesizing ideas.
  • Appeal to readers’ values.
  • Use a trustworthy tone.
  • Include careful consideration of other positions—either throughout the project citing counterclaims or before concluding.
  • Use appropriate media and design—if using video and/or audio, be sure to include a script that is at least 1,750 words long and follows MLA or APA format.


Management homework help