Article writing homework help.

In point form, document your energy use for an entire day, from wake-up to bedtime. After this, write a 1500-word re8lection on this experience. In your answer you are to consider several important questions in relation to environmental communication: How does this type of accounting reinforce, or challenge, dominant discourses about energy and climate change? In what ways does this inform your own thinking about the limits, and possibilities, of information and awareness when it comes to behaviour change?
Your answer should be approximately 8 double-spaced pages in length (roughly 2,000 words). Use parenthetical, in-text references (e.g. Foer, p. 112, Hart and Feldman, p.135) and treat the course outline as your bibliography.  Assessment of answers will be based primarily upon the extent to which you are able to successfully synthesize core ideas and examples from multiple readings and lectures, and thereby demonstrate an engagement with course material. In other words, answers should not simply summarize course material, but rather draw upon core concepts and ideas to showcase the development of your own perspective on environmental communication. The use of additional sources beyond course material is neither expected nor encouraged.
The questions have been deliberately posed in a broad and general fashion in order to give you a lot of 8lexibility in crafting a response. However, this is not an invitation to respond with unsupported personal opinions or anecdotal impressions of course material. Instead, your answer should build a coherent argument that clearly addresses/challenges/problematizes popular assumptions about environmental communication, drawing upon what you have found to be the most relevant and useful course material. Your answer should be well-written and proofread. The quality of writing will be taken into account in assessing your answer.
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There also have some PPT about it, please use them.
1) In the final paragraph of the exam instructions on Canvas there is a sentence that says: “However, this is not an invitation to respond with unsupported personal opinions or anecdotal impressions of course material.” This precaution is particular to statements that contain terms like “we”, “everyone”, and “all people.” It is also to caution against making unsupported generalizations about human behaviour (i.e. people are selfish). For some of the questions, your personal reflections will likely be very relevant, but these ought to connect back to broader course themes and ideas. For example, “fear does not work” is an unsupported general statement. Whereas “Fear about the environmental crisis does not work on me, however I am not the likely demographic for this campaign and it makes me wonder who the makers imagined the audience to be” is a supported specific statement.
2) While the exam guidelines state that you are neither expected, nor encouraged, to source material beyond the course, the restriction applies to the theoretical and conceptual ideas in the course. For some of the questions you will likely want to outsource examples like images (question 2), or maybe energy statistics beyond those covered in class, (question 4), or you may want to highlight particular eco campaigns or political messages we did not show in class (question 1). That said, there are certainly enough examples from the course to provide a compelling answer. The important thing to remember is that you will be graded on your ability to articulate and demonstrate knowledge of CMNS 349 themes and ideas.
3) For question 4, consider energy in its broadest sense. In other words, depending on how you choose to answer, you may find it relevant in your answer to consider that energy is not only what comes out of the wall socket.
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Article writing homework help